L’accès à l’ensemble des soins vous est garanti quelles que soient vos ressources financières et sans dépassements d’honoraires.
Administrative formalities

First visit
The Central Admissions Office, a dedicated service, will receive you and create your medical file. It is located on the ground floor and is open from 7:45 to 18:00 Monday to Friday.
The Admissions Office will give you a patient identification card that includes your file number. It will be requested every time you come back to the Institute (as an outpatient or to be hospitalized).
You can request the non-disclosure of your presence at the Institute and ask not to receive any phone calls.
Subsequent visits
Go to the reception area where a receptionist will tell you where you have to go; an assistant of this service will register your arrival and proceed directly with the administrative formalities.
Each time you come to the Institute, please bring the following documents with you :
- any medical documents in your possession (X-rays, test results, etc.);
- the follow-up booklets you were given when you were treated ;
- the list of medications you are taking and the current prescription;
- any letter your primary care physician has written;
- administrative documents (identity card, health insurance card, proof of insurance and of mutual insurance, proof of address, etc.);
your patient identification card
For minors, bring a photocopy of the family record book.
For patients under guardianship, bring a copy of the family record book and proof of guardianship.
If you are not covered by the health insurance fund
In the absence of a pre-determined and paid quote, pursuant to Article 22 of Decree 59-1510 of 29 December 1959, you are required to pay a fee equal to 10 days of hospitalization on admission. Should you be discharged before the 10 days are up, the fraction of the fee exceeding the number of days present will be returned. Beyond 10 days, the balance will need to be paid when you leave.
Before leaving the IUCT Oncopole
Make sure the health care team has given you the medical certificates and the dates of your next appointments.
They include:
- hospitalization and treatment expenses ;
- the daily flat rate ;
- the supplement for a single room ;
- the bed for an accompanying person (if it has been used).
The costs not covered by the compulsory health insurance and the supplementary mutual insurance will be invoiced when you leave by the Central Admissions Office, open from 7:45 to 18:00 (ground floor).
Note: national telephone calls, access to television and internet are free.
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