
Hôpitaux et cliniques, le classement du Point 2019

Hôpitaux et cliniques, le classement du Point 2019

L’IUCT-Oncopole se positionne parmi les meilleurs établissements français pour les pathologies qu’il prend en charge. L’Institut est 3e pour la prise en charge des cancers ORL, 5e pour la chirurgie des cancers du sein, 6e pour la chirurgie des cancers gynécologiques, 10e pour la prise en charge des cancers de la peau. La prise en charge des leucémies de l’adulte se situe à la 12e place, la prise en charge des lymphomes et myélomes à la 16e place.

Les autres localisations prises en charge par le CHU de Toulouse, IUCT-Purpan et IUCT-Rangueil-Larrey :

  • Tumeurs du cerveau (Purpan) : 3e
  • Cancer de la thyroïde (Larrey) : 5e
  • Chirurgie des cancers osseux (Purpan): 7e
  • Cancers de la prostate (Rangueil) : 4e
  • Cancers du poumon (Larrey/Rangueil) : 15e
  • Cancers colon, intestin (Purpan) : 37e
  • Cancers estomac, œsophage (Purpan) : 8e
  • Cancer du rein (Rangueil) : 7e
  • Cancers du foie, pancréas (Rangueil) : 17e
  • Cancer de la vessie (Rangueil) : 15e


Cette année le CHU de Toulouse est classé n°3 au tableau des meilleurs hôpitaux de France.

Surgery for head and neck tumors

Surgery is one of the main treatments for head and neck cancers. It is provided alone or in combination with radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

Surgery usually involves removing the tumor and the lymph nodes in the neck, either together or alone (neck dissection). Both surgeries can be done during a single operation.


Neck dissection

Neck dissection is used to remove and analyze lymph nodes that may be affected by the cancer. If the initial examination does not reveal any suspect nodes, neck dissection allows all the lymph nodes in the neck to be analyzed under the microscope, thereby reducing the risk of cystic metastasis developing at a later stage.

Removal of the tumor

Depending on the location and extent of your tumor, it may be possible to remove it through your mouth (transoral surgery, which may be laser microsurgery or transoral robotic surgery). However, the surgeon may need to make a cut in your neck (cervical incision) to reach the tumor. Depending on the situation, the excision area may be left open to heal by secondary intention or the excised tissue may be reconstructed using a flap of tissue removed locally (e.g., from the cheek or neck). Reconstruction is carried out during the same operation.
In some situations, the tissue needed for the graft is taken from another part of the body (e.g., skin from the forearm or thigh, or bone from the fibula). Arteries and veins in the graft tissue are connected to those in the neck (secondary anastomosis) in order to make the graft viable and promote healing.

Operations on the neck, throat and mouth often require a tracheostomy and for food to be given via a nasogastric tube during postoperative healing and speech reeducation.

Innovative techniques

Technological progress and advances in operating techniques have resulted in these surgeries becoming less invasive and reduced their negative effects. The surgery team uses mini-invasive techniques (often known as keyhole surgery) such as robot-assisted surgery and endonasal endoscopy, which allows small tumors from the base of the skull or the sinuses to be removed through the nose. These techniques are just as effective as traditional surgery but they reduce postoperative scarring.