The hematological oncology laboratory

The laboratory groups together the activities of cellular hematology biology, the genetics of blood diseases, myeloma genomics, and flow cytometry.

Onco-hématologie IUCT Oncopole

Head of the Laboratory : Prof. Eric Delabesse
Secretaries: (+33) 05 31 15 62 24 - 05 61 15 62 25
Health Service Manager: Sandrine Cardonne
Telephone: (+33) 05 31 15 63 75


Cellular hematology division

  • routine blood cytology
  • specialized hematological cytology (blood,   bone marrow,  adenograms,  fluids, etc.)


Genetics of blood diseases division

  • molecular  biology, 
  • cytogenetics,
  • hematopoiesis


Myeloma genomics division


  • Flow cytometry division
  • immunology
  • hematology



The platform is helping expand the use of new generation sequencing both in treating hematological malignancies and in analyzing other pathologies. As well as being a referrals center for four treatment protocols: GRAALL (adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia), CAALL-FOI (childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia), FILO (adult acute myeloid leukemia) and IFM (French myeloma network), the platform contributes to numerous registers, observatories, working groups, national biological collections, and research-specific biological collections.The platform has an international reputation for its clinical research, especially for the work it carries out in collaboration with CRCT team 4 (Prof. T. Levade and Dr. N. Andrieu). It also works closely with four other CRCT teams: 8 (Dr. S. Manenti), 13 (Prof. H. Avet-Loiseau/Dr L. Martinet), 16 (Prof. E. Delabesse) and 18 (Dr. J-E. Sarry).