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Journee mondiale sans tabac

Journée mondiale sans tabac A l'occasion de la journée mondiale sans tabac, l'équipe d'addictologie de l'Oncopole a proposé un stand-espace de discussion à destination...

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Contact a physician

Contact a physician Chirurgie Dr Benoît André : gynécologie, sein Secrétariat : 05 31 15 53 73 Dr Géraldine Cartron : gynécologie, sein Secrétariat...

The Medical Oncology Department

The Medical Oncology Department The department deals with breast, gynecological and ENT cancers, melanomas, sarcomas, cancers of unknown primaries and rare tumors. ...

vaccin phase 2

Vaccin individualisé contre le cancer L’Oncopole inclut le 1er patient de la phase II L’Oncopole maintient son leadership dans le programme international...

The surgery department

The surgery department The department includes an operating theater, two conventional hospital units and an outpatient surgery unit. Head of...

The Medical Imaging Department

The Medical Imaging Department The medical imaging department comprises a radiology department, a nuclear medicine department and a radio senology department. ...

Medical imaging

Medical imaging The IUCT Oncopole has a complete medical imaging platform where diagnosis and monitoring tests are carried out. The activity centers on hematological...

Leaving the hospital

Leaving the hospital Depending on your medical condition, your physician will suggest a specific monitoring program. Procedure The physician who...

Defi turquoise 8 mai

Lancement du Défi Turquoise le 8 mai Le 8 mai, c’est la journée mondiale de sensibilisation aux cancers de l’ovaire. C’est aussi le jour de lancement de la 3 édition...