En savoir plus sur le service recherche clinique (Pr Jean-Pierre Delord) de l'IUCT-Oncopole avec le reportage 'In Vivo' (France 5).
Chiffres clefs
336 essais cliniques ouverts aux inclusions en 2021
1 744 nouveaux patients inclus en 2021 soit 16% de la file active.
50% d'essais de phases précoces
Recherches nécessitant une réutilisation de données
La nouvelle réglementation en vigueur applicable au traitement de données à caractère personnel et, en particulier, le règlement UE 2016/679 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 27 avril 2016 (ci-après le « RGPD ») a pour objectif de renforcer la maîtrise des personnes sur les données les concernant.
Les personnes prises en charge dans le cadre de l’activité de l’Institut doivent être informées du traitement de données personnelles les concernant (art. 14 RGPD). Les patients sont autorisés à demander à l’Institut la communication des données recueillies et à exercer leurs droits de modification, de correction, de mise à jour ou d’effacement de ces données.
Signature d'un accord-cadre stratégique avec MSD France
Congrès ESMO Barcelona 2019
Test prometteur d'un anti-inflammatoire contre le mélanome
Efficacité du trio PCD en traitement de première rechute du myélome multiple
55 posters dont 3 communications orales au Congrès de l’ASH 2017
ASCO : 42 présentations pour les 3 IUCT
L’IUCT Oncopole : le plus haut niveau de certification pour sa recherche clinique et sa biostatistique
RET: un nouveau biomarqueur ciblable - publication JCO
Toulouse structure son programme d’immunothérapie en oncologie
67 posters dont 3 communications orales pour l’IUCT-O
L’IUCT Oncopole décroche le plus haut niveau de certification
UNICANCER-Roche partnership for ISO 9001 certification in clinical research
The IUCT Oncopole designated once again for early phase trials
First assessment of the AcSé program
Clinical Research Approval
The clinical trials administrative center is ISO 9001:2008 certified for the design and management of clinical trials in oncology.
See the certificate
The Clinical Research Unit is an INCa-designated early-phase clinical trial center.
Clinical research
The IUCT Oncopole and Purpan IUCT, Rangueil-Larrey IUCT and CRCT carry out an average of 400 clinical trials per year.
Many molecules are left out in the late stages of their development. This therefore requires the development of approaches able to detect, at the earliest stages (preclinical and clinical), the inefficacy or even toxicity of molecules developed for clinical use.
The efficacy of treatments varies from one type of cancer to another and, for the same type of cancer, from one patient to another, without us being able properly to foresee this.
For optimum efficacy and minimal toxicity, targeted drugs need to be offered to patients in whom the presence or absence of biomarkers in the blood can predict the therapeutic response. Therapeutic approaches have thus become increasingly "personalized".
The objectives of clinical research should be:
- improvement of patient survival;
- optimization of treatment;
- de-escalation of therapy to reduce side effects and delayed effects.
At the IUCT Oncopole, 13% of patients are asked if they want to be included in a clinical research protocol. The medium-term goal is to reach 15%.
All the early phase trials are carried out at the IUCT Oncopole regardless of the type of cancer and the place where the patient is treated (IUCT Oncopole, Rangueil-Larrey IUCT, Purpan IUCT, general hospitals in the Midi-Pyrénées region, private clinics).
The phase III and IV clinical trials performed at the IUCT-Oncopole concern diseases treated at the institute (hematology, senology, gynecology, melanomas, etc.). For other specialties such as liver, gastric and gastrointestinal cancers, the trials are conducted at Purpan IUCT and Rangueil IUCT.
Platforms and expertise
1) an INCa-designated early-phase clinical trial center (CLIPP), one of the 16 French centers specialized in early phase clinical trials of innovative therapies in oncology.
2) an ISO 9001:2015 certified clinical research administrative center
3) a pharmacology unit which in addition to basic research, provides pharmacological monitoring for the clinical trials of all new medicinal products.
4) a preclinical phase platform. On a single site, (on the 1st floor of the CRCT building, the Regional Center for Functional Exploration and Experimental Resources (CREFRE) will group together all the animal husbandry, transgenesis and functional investigation services : microsurgery, phenotyping, non-invasive explorations, histopathology), it will be possible to test a molecule or a therapeutic approach from the preclinical phases to the later phases.