Nutritional and dietary monitoring

Tumors and/or their treatments can disrupt your nutritional balance. Close monitoring is therefore required. It is ensured on a daily basis by the dietetics unit  which offers menus adapted to your tastes and your health. The dietetic unit is in constant contact with the medical teams. These professionals work under the auspices of the Food and Nutrition Liaison Committee (CLAN).

In conjunction with care teams, the dietetic unit offers nutritonal care after medical prescription. 

Muriel Richl, manager : (+33) 05 31 15 51 91 
Sandrine Da Silva : (+33) 05 31 15 55 09
Blandine Gobert :  (+33) 05 31 15 55 02
Sandrine Gourdet : (+33) 05 31 15 51 88
Brigitte Maurel : (+33)  05 31 15 51 89 
Valérianne Saint-Genez : (+33) 05 31 15 51 90
Edith Trecciola : (+33) 05 31 15 51 98
Hélène Waysbort : (+33) 05 31 15 51 92