L’IUCT-Oncopole s’engage à améliorer en continu la prise en charge et les pratiques. Vous êtes acteur de la qualité et de la sécurité de vos soins. Nous avons besoin de votre implication tout au long de votre parcours : si vous constatez une anomalie, vous pouvez le signaler au cadre du service ou à votre médecin référent, ou le déclarer sur le portail : signalement.social-sante.gouv.fr vous pouvez être amené à répondre à des évaluations, des enquêtes de satisfaction et d’expérience.

Quality and safety

Medical vigilance

The purpose of medical vigilance is  to improve care safety when using  health products and materials: medicines, blood products,  medical devices, tissues, cells, transplants, etc. Officials  for each of the categories are in direct and permanent contact with the  national and regional bodies for monitoring in  the Institute and take note of any new element reported.


Management of side effects

To maintain a high level of care safety and prevent  risks, the Institute has implemented a system for monitoring  side effects and care-related incidents. It is based on  reports, the purpose of which is to improve your safety and that  of the community.
Care safety is based on an ongoing partnership between  caregivers and the patient. We invite you, as soon as you notice  an incident occurring in the course of your care, to report  it directly to the professionals taking care of you,  or to use the suggestion forms available for this purpose.  All reports are recorded, analyzed and processed, and  corrective measures are implemented.


Preventing nosocomial infections 

The hospital hygiene operational team, under  the auspices of the nosocomial infection committee,  implements an annual action plan. Hygiene officers  provide the link between
the services and the operational team. Nosocomial infection  surveillance investigations and clinical practice audits are regularly implemented to check that the hygiene protocols are properly applied. Bacteriological controls are performed (on water, air and surfaces).

So that all users are informed,  since 2004, the Ministry of Health has set up an annual league table  of nosocomial infections per hospital. The league table 
classifies hospitals according to their investment and involvement   in this fight (see the Ministry's website www.scopesantegouv.fr ). The main infection risks are linked with the disease itself, with particular treatments that weaken the body's immune system and with invasive medical-surgical procedures. Infection risk prevention protocols are prepared and circulated to medical teams in order to prevent these risks as far as possible.



Multi-professional committees for optimizing and securing the management of our patients  

The pain management committee (CLUD) defines and leads the pain management policy at the Institute, particularly through advice and recommendations on this matter. In general terms it supports any activity involved in improving pain management, from its assessment to its treatment.

The nosocomial infection committee (CLIN) is responsible for coordinating the prevention and surveillance of nosocomial infections. Working with the hospital hygiene operational team, it develops protocols for care provision and maintenance of hygiene. It ensures they are properly implemented by medical staff. Lastly, it participates in training professionals and circulating good hygiene practices.

The food nutrition liaison committee(CLAN) is responsible for improving the nutritional value   and quality of the catering service through assessments and proposals for improvement activities.