Coordinating consultants: Prof. Rosine Guimbaud CONTACT |
Cancer is not hereditary. However, there are predisposition genes which, once mutated, expose members of the same family to a high risk. These cancers with a hereditary component account for 5% of all cancers and can be treated by the oncogenetics team.
The oncogenetics coordination committee
Each person is managed by a coordination committee comprising various specialists who make the appropriate therapeutic decisions and define the personalized treatment program, whatever the disciplines involved in the treatment
The committee also plays a prospective role in terms of innovation. It offers diagnostic and therapeutic innovations, particularly the development of clinical trials.
The Oncogenetics OCC provides monitoring programs for specific conditions
Three monitoring programs for specific conditions (breast-ovarian cancer syndromes, Lynch syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis) are offered in conjunction with the IUCT-Purpan (Toulouse), the Clinique Pasteur (Toulouse) and the Onco-Occitanie regional cancer network. The Oncogenetics committee also coordinates Occitanie’s four genetic testing centers (IUCT-Oncopole, Clinique Pasteur,Clinique de l’Ormeau and Rodez hospital) and organizes a weekly, regional MDT meeting.
The Oncogenetics OCC coordinates the GEnEPY network
The GENEPY network, supported by INCa, was set up to improve support for individuals with a hereditary predisposition to breast and ovarian cancers or to colorectal and endometrial cancers. The GENEPY network facilitates and coordinates the implementation of optimal care, taking into account the INCa’s recommendations.
The IUCT-Oncopole has used nGS for routine diagnoses since 2015
NGS technology allows several genes to be studied simultaneously and therefore reduces turn-around times for genetic tests.
Medical team