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- How can dermatological symptoms be managed?
How can dermatological symptoms be managed?
Cancer treatments
How can dermatological symptoms be managed?
Three French experts joined forces to write the first practical guide on how to manage cancer therapy-related skin toxicity. Three out of four patients are affected by this problem. These symptoms affecting the skin and mucous membrane are disabling and may compromise the success of the treatment.
The guide written by three authors, Dr Vincent Sibaud (dermatologist), Prof. Jean-Pierre Delord (oncologist) from Institut Claudius Regaud at the IUCT Oncopole, and Dr Caroline Robert (dermatologist) who practises at the Institut Gustave Roussy, is for hospital professionals, private practice physicians and even patients. The book summarizes their clinical experience on prevention and management of these dermatological reactions. They describe the toxicities caused by chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, bone marrow allografts or targeted therapies.
Symptom by symptom, they describe the origin, incidence and severity of the reactions and give practical advice on how they should be managed.
The extraordinary variety of these skin symptoms, combined with the exponential development and supply of new molecules, often leave oncologist and primary care physicians helpless when dealing with a patient. "We must learn to recognize these symptoms and assess their physical and psychosocial impact", says Dr Vincent Sibaud, coordinator of the book. "We must also know how to manage them and advise patients, so that the impact of the reactions on quality of life may be lessened and treatment interruptions limited".
The book: Dermatology of cancer treatments - practical guide – Editions Privat.