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Accèdez aux ressources documentaires

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La consultation du contenu des périodiques électroniques n'est possible que sur le site de l'IUCTO, par reconnaissance automatique de l'adresse IP de l'établissement.

Open hours

Monday to Friday
From 8:30 am to 5:30 pm 

Librarian :
On Mondays from 3:30 pm and 5:30 pm
On Wednesdays and Fridays all day

Located on the 2nd floor, on the exchange getaway

We advise you to call before 
Thoses hours might change


Cancer Multimedia Library

Tansversal service in charge of documentation.
The Multimedia Library is a department of the site’s General Management that serves all the IUCT-Oncopole’s professionals and students, as well as academics, researchers and healthcare professionals from outside the institute.

Its missions are to:

  1. Assist and support teaching and research activities.
  2. Identify, acquire and make available the documentary resources needed by students, practitioners and researchers.
  3. Provide training in using documentary resources.
  4. Create and maintain documentary partnerships (Unicancer, CLCC, BU Santé Toulouse, University Hospital, hospital center, SUDOC, etc.)

The Cancer Multimedia Library is not just a place for work, study and research, it is also a place to meet and relax.




  • Collections: almost 1,150 specialist oncology periodicals, mostly in electronic form. Complemented by the electronic resources in the medical libraries at the University of Toulouse-Paul Sabatier and Toulouse University Hospital.
  • Bibliographic searches: open access
  • Printing/photocopying/scanning: freely available
  • For memoirs or scientific work: office suite, citation management software