L'Equipe de l'UTEP


Secrétariat UTEP
Tel. : 05 31 15 55 29
Mail : utep.secretariat@iuct-oncopole.fr

Dr Nathalie Caunes-Hilary : oncologue et chef du département des soins de support

Aurélie Robello : coordinatrice de l'UTEP
Tel. : 05 31 15 51 90
Mail : robello.aurelie@iuct-oncopole.fr 


 What is therapeutic education?

Therapeutic education is a humanist approach centered round awareness-raising, information, self-care, and psychological and social support during the different stages of treatment. Recommendations about the most appropriate strategies to adopt vary according to the nature of the disease and its treatment. Therapeutic education is designed to help patients and their families understand the disease and its treatment, work with caregivers, adopt a healthy lifestyle and maintain or improve their quality of life. 

Les actualités

La législation

Therapeutic education for cancer patients in Occitanie

The Transversal Unit for Therapeutic Cancer Patient Education (UTEP) was set up in August 2018 under the auspices of the Occitanie Regional Health Agency (ARS). Its mission is to develop therapeutic education for cancer patients in the region.

UTEP provides advice and training on helping patients with chronic diseases enjoy a better quality of life. Its services are aimed at private practitioners, practitioners in healthcare establishments and volunteers involved in setting up therapeutic education activities.


UTEP brings together healthcare professionals from many different fields (physicians, pharmacists, dieticians, physiotherapists, etc.). Like all other healthcare techniques, providing therapeutic patient education requires specialist skills, which caregivers are taught through structured training courses.


UTEP’s missions

    • Help teams design, implement and evaluate therapeutic education projects and actions;
    • Provide training in therapeutic education;
    • Facilitate dialogue between professionals involved in therapeutic education;
    • Participate in and organize seminars on therapeutic education for cancer patients;
    • Provide information about therapeutic education actions;
    • Provide teams with access to therapeutic education tools;
    • Help draw up patients’ therapeutic education files;
    • Help evaluate therapeutic education programs; 
    • Raise awareness of ongoing therapeutic education actions;
    • Help create therapeutic education projects and tools;
    • Coordinate and contribute to continuing and initial training programs in therapeutic education for professionals.


What UTEP is not

UTEP is neither a therapeutic education center for patients, nor a mobile therapeutic education team. Its role is not to replace healthcare teams in providing therapeutic education to patients.


UTEP provides training in TPE

  • Leaflet outlining the 40-hr training course at ETP Oncorésonnance 
  • Directory of PTE courses: 


Existing TPE programs

Breast cancer program (at the IUCT-Oncopole)

En savoir plus


Regional oral anticancer drugs program (at the IUCT-Oncopole and partner establishments)


En savoir plus 

Find a program close to you: www.mon-etp.fr 


Teaching tools

Access provided on request only via the following form.

  • Educational diagnosis grid
  • The oral anticancer drugs game, inspired by Trivial Pursuit
  • List of oral anticancer drugs by category
  • My prescription
  • Impact of oral treatments on my daily life
  • True/false on oral anticancer drugs
  • Decisions game: side effects of oral anticancer treatments
  • Motivational balances for long-term treatment
  • Situation maps on compliance with treatment
  • A balanced diet and cancer
  • Avoid complications after a lymph node biopsy
  • Life and sexual health
  • Today… …what does work mean to you?
  • Discuss and organize life after cancer
  • Hormone therapy and I


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