The trusted person

Pendant votre séjour, vous pouvez désigner par écrit une personne de confiance pour vous accompagner, vous aider, vous soutenir et faire prévaloir vos volontés tout au long de votre parcours de soins.

During your stay, you can designate in writing someone from your family or a friend to give you support throughout your stay. That person, whom the hospital will consider as your "trusted person", will be consulted in the event that you are not able to express your wishes or receive the necessary information to this end. The person may, in addition and if you wish it, attend the medical appointments with you to help you make decisions. Note that you can cancel your appointment or change the terms at any time. It is your responsibility to inform your trusted person of the role you wish him/her to take on.
[see Article L.1111-6 of the French Code of Public Health]


Persons requiring special care
For example, when the mental or physical faculties of a person are impaired by illness, infirmity or weakness due to age, to such a degree that their interests may be compromised, it is important for certain protective measures to be taken.
This is why the IUCT Oncopole is committed to helping particularly vulnerable people by offering them specific care. This includes:
•    people with a disability (pursuant to Law No. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005);
•    the poor;
•    persons deprived of their freedom;
•    protected adults (under legal guardianship or under the protection of a court).


Specific care for minors
Consent of the minor: if you are able to express your wishes and participate in the decision, your consent must be systematically sought.
Confidentiality : the physician has the right to provide you with care without the consent of the holders of parental authority when  the procedure is required to safeguard your health. The  physician must try to convince you to consult the holders of parental authority. If you refuse, you must be assisted by an adult person of your choice.
Access to your records: if you are a minor, the holders of parental authority have the right to access your medical records. You may request that this access takes place via a physician.
In all cases, we ask you to indicate any situation that may require specific management.

Refusal of care and leaving against medical advice

You have the right to freedom of expression and you may refuse treatment, a procedure or the proposed treatments.
Should you leave against medical advice, you will be informed by your physician of the risks you run due to your medical condition and the proper discharge paperwork will have to be completed.
In both cases, you will have to sign a document stating that you refused care or left against medical advice. A copy of this document will be attached to your medical records.
If you want more information, do not hesitate to ask the person responsible for relations with users who will be able to answer your questions.

If you want more information, do not hesitate to ask the person responsible for relations with users who will be able to answer your questions. 


Organ donations
We inform you that organ harvesting is rarely considered in oncology.
In cases where it might  be considered,  the texts of law state the following: 

‘Any person who refuses organ harvesting to be carried out on his/her body after his/her death may tell his relatives, so that they can testify to this. He/she may also register in the National Register of Refusal. It is computerized and must be consulted as soon as harvesting is considered.
People can register by filling out a downloadable form from the website of the "Agence de la Biomedicine" (Biomedicine Agency), or by writing to:
Agence de la biomédecine
Registre national des refus au prélèvement
TSA 90001
93572 Saint-Denis-la-Plaine cedex

It must be dated, signed and accompanied by documentary evidence of your identity (legible photocopy of your identity card or residence permit) and a stamped envelope bearing your name and address to receive confirmation of your registration if you requested it.
Any correction or change in family status must be reported by sending this same form.
It is possible at any time to reconsider this decision (in the same terms as registration).'