OECI's membership
Les certifications et accréditations
- "Le Centre de recherche en cancérologie de Toulouse" (CRCT) (Toulouse Cancer Research Center)
- "Le Centre régional d'exploration fonctionnelle et de ressources expérimentales" (CREFRE) (The Regional Center for Functional Exploration and Experimental Resources)
- The teams of ONCOMIP (the Midi-Pyrénées Cancer Network) and of regional hospitals
- Teams from the EFS (French Blood Donors Organization)
- Patient associations
- University Toulouse III
- "La fondation Toulouse Cancer Santé" (Toulouse Cancer Health Foundation)
- "L'Institut des technologies avancées en sciences du vivant" (the Institute of Advanced Technologies in Life Sciences)
- "Le Cancéropole Grand Sud-Ouest" (The Greater South-West Region Cancer Center)
- "Le réseau thématique de recherche et de soins" (RTRS) – "Recherche et Innovation Thérapeutique en Cancérologie" (RITC) (the Thematic Network of Research and Care (RTRS) – Research and Therapeutic Innovation in Cancer (RITC))