Recherches nécessitant une réutilisation de données
La nouvelle réglementation en vigueur applicable au traitement de données à caractère personnel et, en particulier, le règlement UE 2016/679 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 27 avril 2016 (ci-après le « RGPD ») a pour objectif de renforcer la maîtrise des personnes sur les données les concernant.
Les personnes prises en charge dans le cadre de l’activité de l’Institut doivent être informées du traitement de données personnelles les concernant (art. 14 RGPD). Les patients sont autorisés à demander à l’Institut la communication des données recueillies et à exercer leurs droits de modification, de correction, de mise à jour ou d’effacement de ces données.
Translational research
Translational research must be developed to establish the link between basic research and its application at the patient's bedside. This activity aims to transform scientific discoveries from the laboratory and clinical or epidemiological studies into clinical applications in order to reduce the incidence, morbidity or mortality of cancer. It is interdisciplinary research that should improve the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cancer and the management of cancer patients.
Bidirectional, it requires significant cooperation among researchers and clinicians.
At the IUCT Oncopole, infrastructures such as shared platforms are made available to research teams. A "transfer" platform is therefore currently being set up to accommodate project research teams and technical facilities accessible to the medical and scientific community.
Platforms and expertise
1) the Biological Resources Center (BRC) grouping together all the human "cancer" samples from the Biological Resources Center of the University Hospital Center (as well as the samples collected as part of the regional biobank managed by Oncomip) and the ICR, and will be located close to the operating theaters and anatomical pathology laboratory. Combined with IUCT-O genomics and IT platforms, the Biological Resources Center will strengthen the interface between academic research, clinical research, epidemiological research and industrial research. The goal is to provide quality samples with clinical and histological annotations in compliance with ethical conditions allowing their use in research.
2) two "organ specific" translational research units
- the myeloma pharmacogenomics Unit (Prof. H. Avet-Loiseau)
– the acute leukemias unit (Prof. E. Delabesse)
3) one pharmacology unit (Prof. E. Chatelut/Prof. J.P. Delord)
4) one high throughput sequencing-molecular biology platform